Our simple 3 step process…
Sustainable Development starts in the community: We work to advocate for, empower, and
enable communities to take development into their own hands leading to ‘changing lives’.

Our Programmes
Community Empowerment for Transformational Development (CETRAD) is a non-profit
organization working to advance equitable development by helping to spearhead community
driven initiatives and enable needy community groups participate in integrated activities to
achieve quality livelihood, improved access to quality healthcare, education, water, and
sanitation facilities.
Founded in 2022, CETRAD focuses on sustainable community development by assisting and
supporting rural communities through implementation of programmes in the areas of Economic
empowerment, Health, Education, Environment, Water, sanitation and Hygiene, Child
Protection, as well as any other developmental activities in Northern Ghana.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The overall goal of WASH programme is to improve sustainable access to safe drinking water,
sanitation, and hygiene in rural communities. This initiative is in line with the SDG goal 6
which seeks to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Safe drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene are crucial to human health and well-being. Safe
WASH is not only a prerequisite to health, but contributes to livelihoods, school attendance and
dignity and helps to create resilient communities living in healthy environments.
Healthy Communities
Rural health is a core component of primary health care and a major public health challenge,
especially, in poor and resource-limited community settings. Poor rural healthcare, both access
and quality are strong contributory factors in poor health outcomes such as high maternal,
under-five, and infant mortality and morbidity rates in remote communities. This is since,
millions of rural folks including women and children face many challenges in accessing primary
In contributing to SDG goal 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for
all, at all ages, CETRAD envisage to implement health programmes in Maternal and child
health, reproductive health, nutrition, and prevention of communicable and non-communicable
diseases to improve the health and wellbeing of rural communities.

Quality Education
Education is an important part of life because it provides the opportunity for acquiring
knowledge and skills that will enable people to develop their full potential to help improve
economic growth. Education helps eradicate poverty and hunger, giving people the chance to
achieve fulfilling lives.

Meet the team

Bob Mills
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Liza Tarbuck
Head of Design
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Danny Baker
Construction Lead
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Jo Brand
Customer Liaison
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Contact us with your idea

Our Work
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Our History
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Our People
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